Christmas Party Apsia

The Apsians celebrated the end of the year, from a distance of course, but all together around a very comforting seasonal dish! This highlight of Apsian life took place on Thursday 3 December! Indeed, as every year, the Apsians met to celebrate Christmas in a new way together!

In the midst of a confinement, we had to be creative and reinvent ourselves to make this moment warm and friendly in virtual mode.

With the invaluable help of the local shopkeepers, Apsia organised a surprise parcel to be sent to all the Apsians, who had left for the four corners of France!

Ranked as the 9th favourite dish of the French and with rumours of a shortage circulating as far away as the UK, Apsia didn’t hesitate for a second! What could be better than a Digital Raclette Party: a hot dish, easy to make (even without an appliance, yes yes, there are plenty of tricks!) and comforting in this period?
Everyone received their own customised kit to enjoy a delicious raclette and sweets on the day. A big thank you to Monbleu and A la mère de famille for their wonderful products!

After a retrospective of the great successes achieved throughout 2020 and an interactive quiz combining Apsia and Christmas traditions, the Apsians gathered in small groups on Teams to enjoy their raclette on video. This was an opportunity for everyone to share their little mystery ingredient to make their raclette even tastier.

After the meal, everyone switched to Discord (a platform well known to fans of virtual games) to continue the evening by challenging each other through various online games, including one of the Apsians’ favourites: the blindtest!

This evening was also an opportunity to get into the Christmas mood thanks to the hat included in the package, but not only. Some of them took out their jumpers and other accessories! A big congratulations to Rocio who won the 2020 edition of the Most Beautiful Christmas Accessory Contest with a clear majority of the votes.

We wish you all the best for the end of the year and see you next year for new challenges!

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